A Full Time Judge Serving Harris County

Re-Elect Judge McFarland
in 2020!
Judge Jaclanel McFarland, a 5th generation Texan, received her undergraduate and law degrees from Baylor University. She attended graduate school at the University of Oxford in England where she studied comparative constitutional development. An accomplished litigator in Houston for 31 years, she is also a successful mediator and has taught courses in real estate law, business law, and government on the collegiate level. First elected to the bench in 2008, she is currently serving her third term and running for re-election in 2020.
Judge McFarland is a former member of the Baylor University Board of Regents and First Vice-President of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. She has been recognized in Foremost Women of the 20th Century, Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who of American Women.
The Judge has been a frequent speaker at seminars and continuing education classes for the legal community and civic organizations, and has served as a judge at mock trial and moot court competitions for some of the most prestigious law schools in the United States. Judge McFarland has also been a participant and panel member in international law institutes in Ireland, China, Japan and Turkey.
The proud mother of two sons, you can read more about Judge McFarland’s life and dedication to service on her Biography page.